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So tired..

Posted by
Mike (Sheffield, United Kingdom) on 27 September 2020 in Documentary & Street and Portfolio.

Covid-19 shift..
So tired after patient after patient sick and needing hospitalisation..

Samsung SM-A505FN 1/572 second F/1.7 ISO 40 26 mm (35mm equiv.)

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

This is excellent! 5*****

27 Sep 2020 1:17pm

@Ralf Kesper: Thank you Ralf, it was a very busy shift in the very busy time in the Covid-19 problem in our city. It has calmed down now... But the 2nd wave is coming!! :(

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien ce cadrage et ce rendu

27 Sep 2020 3:28pm

@Existence Artistique: Merci beaucoup mon ami..!

Le Krop from Charenton-le-Pont, France

Excellente photo ! *****

27 Sep 2020 11:53pm

@Le Krop: Hey thank you, very kind!

Aminus3 Discover from United States

Thanks for contributing your story to Aminus3 Discover. It has been posted here

30 Sep 2020 11:49pm

@Aminus3 Discover: Thanks Aminus3!

Jason Kravitz from Brussels, Belgium

I can imagine you had many such days. Great reportage photo and THANK YOU for the work you are doing to help us all. I hope the 2nd wave is much less severe than the first.

1 Oct 2020 6:18pm

@Jason Kravitz: Hey thank you Jason! Very kind mate!

Siepi from Zemst, Belgium

If photo's can speak, this one certainly does. People can't thank you enough for all that you and your collegues are doing to fight COVID 19. Lots of courage as the second wave is spreading quickly.

14 Oct 2020 6:23am

@Siepi: Thank you Siepi, that was a difficult few weeks.. Hopefully the second wave will not be so bad. But it is getting busy again.. Stay well..

Samsung SM-A505FN
1/572 second
ISO 40
26 mm (35mm equiv.)
